Preventing large truck crashes has been and always will be a topic of discussion motor carriers have with their drivers. Large truck crashes cost the transportation industry approximately $135 billion annually, according to a study conducted by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). Rear-end crashes, in particular, have a high risk of causing catastrophic losses. The FMCSA’s study identified four driver-related factors associated with large truck crashes; these can also be factors in rear-end crashes. Read about each factor below and discuss them with your drivers to help re-emphasize your commitment to preventing rear-end crashes.
Non-performance factors include a driver falling asleep at the wheel or having a physical impairment (e.g., heart attack) that contributes to a crash. Educating drivers on the signs of health-related issues and encouraging health screenings are good conversation starting points. Other talking points can include:
Recognition factors include driver inattention, driving while distracted, or failing to observe a driving situation adequately for some other reason. Motor carriers can train drivers on the dangers of distracted driving and monitor Safety Measurement System (SMS) results for similar violations. Talking points to consider include:
Decision factors include driving too fast for conditions, misjudging the speed of other vehicles, or following other vehicles too closely. SMS and the truck’s electronic control module can identify when a driver has been speeding, braking too hard, or making unsafe driving decisions. Talking points to consider include:
Performance factors relate to the driver’s reaction to a hazard, including panicking, overcompensating, or exercising poor directional control of the vehicle. Road testing drivers is an effective way to gauge a driver’s skills. After the road test, some talking points to consider include:
Note: These lists are not intended to be all-inclusive.